The repertoire of HeHe comprises worst case technological accidents: confronting and exposing the hidden dimensions and implications of such ecological threats. The actors of HeHe's performance installations are the machines themselves: oil rigs, nuclear power plants, incinerators, cars, cranes, trains, and the electric devices of mass consumption. Installed in real world environments or eerie staged settings, the machine becomes a theatrical device, placed in apocalyptic chromatic landscape and dressed in an unnatural green afterglow.
In their vehicle probes, a research into abandoned railways and mobility named The Train Project, participants are lured into a dream-utopia for transportation.
HeHe has been commissioned to make site specific work for the Bruges Triennial (2015, 2016), Maison des Arts Georges Pompidou in Cajarc (2016), Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (2015), Nuit Blanche, Paris (2014), Le Voyage à Nantes (2006 & 2013), FACT & The Arts Catalyst (2013), Skor, Amsterdam (2012), Cape Farewell (2012), Invisible Dust (2011), Centre Pompidou (2007), Luxembourg European Capital of Culture (2007).
Their monumental project Nuage Vert, realised in 2008 in Helsinki, used a laser beam to draw an outline onto a cloud released by a power plant, the green cloud changed in size relative to the energy consumption of local residents. This installation won a Golden Nica in Hybrid art at Arts Electronica in 2008. Further international prizes include an Honorary Mention at Arts Electronica (2012), the Environmental Art Fund, Finland (2008), Zero One Prix, San José (2008) and Cynet Art prize, Dresden (2001).
Bridging the spheres of technology-focused arts and that of contemporary art, they has participated in exhibitions at the Palais de Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles (2015), Parc D'Arte Viventi, Turin (2012), National Art Museum of China, Beijing (2011), Biennale de Lyon (2009), San José Museum of Art (2008), Biennale Internationale Design in St Etienne (2006, 2010). Their work Champs d'Ozone is in the Collection of the Fonds municipal d’art contemporain de la Ville de Paris.
Forthcoming events in 2016 include their first book Man Made Clouds (mid-September) edited by Editions Hyx supported by Pollinaria ( Italy), the Andrea von Braun Foundation in Germany and the Centre National des Arts Plastiques in France.; a series new site-specific installations titled Cloud Crash (October 2016 –February 2017) for the Lovelock Art commission organised by the NGO Cape Farewell in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and a large scale public sculpture Gone with the Wind in Utrecht commissioned for Public Works (Foundation Kunst AND CITY).
HeHe is represented by the gallery Aeroplastics Contemporary in Bruxelles.
Within the framework of the evening "Europe of the possible" dedicated to nuclear power organized by COAL (Coalition for art and sustainable development) with the artists HeHe and Veit Stratmann in the REcyclerie; presentation, sale and signature of the book Man Made Clouds by HYX and HeHe, on Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00 pm. Free admission. REcyclerie, 83 Boulevard of Ornano, 75018 Paris.