Code X

3615 LOVE

This new issue of Code X is dedicated to media archaeology and the work carried out by PAMAL (Preservation & Art - Media Archaeology Lab) since 2013...

Collection: Hors collection
Language(s): French
8,00 €



What to do about the obsolescence of digital machines? How and why preserve, conserve and restore a digital work of art? What is a digital archive? Is an obsolete technical medium really dead? Founded by Emmanuel Guez and Lionel Broye, PAMAL develops an original art practice that questions the issues and methods related to a historical and critical study of the media. 3615 LOVE offers to discover Minitel's emblematic artistic projects, their discovery, preservation and the use we can make of them today in the age of the Internet and social networks. Media archaeology invites us to think about the information society, its history (or rather its temporalities), its materialities, its machines and their obsolescence. Code X continues its investigation of digital cultures in a prospective approach. Designed and produced in open source, Code X aims to contribute to the construction of another relationship with technologies and the contribution of as many people as possible to cultural and political life...


NOT FOUND P 2 // Posthumous lives of network artworks - Method(s) p.3 - Should network artworks be preserved and restored? p.4 - Preserving network arts such as performance? p.5 - The "mechanical Turk" p.6 - Preserving network arts such as ethnographic arts? p.6 - Preserving source code through versioning p.7 - The pragmatic point of view p.8 - The complexity of digital materials p.9 // VIDEOTEXT POEMS P 12 // The case of Videotext poems p.13 - Restoring the experience - Reverse engineering p.14 - Piracy of Minitel p. 15 - The Gap, the second original or afterlife of the work p.16 - Post scriptum : videotext poems at MoMA p.17 // THE LOSED OBJECT P 18 // FRANKESTEIN MEDIA P 20 - In mourning without despair p.21 // WIPITEL, WIPIBOOK, 3615 LOVE, 3615 CHAT P 24 // SOME SOFTWARE TO REINVENT THE MINITEL P 28 // BIBLIOGRAPHY-WEBOGRAPHY P 30


  • 8,00 €
  • Language(s): French
  • Référence:
  • Nombre de pages: 32
  • Couleur(s): Quadri + 43 illustrations
  • Type de reliure: journal
  • Dimensions: 1 × 26 × 37 cm
  • Poids: 110 g
  • Partenaire: PAMAL + CICLIC Région Centre-Val de Loire



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