Les Turbulences - Frac Centre


Monography dedicated to the new bulding of the french art and architecture center (FRAC Centre) designed by Jakob & MacFarlane in Orléans (France). It provides a richly illustrated overview of all the phases of the project, from design to construction. Architects, managing the project, have opted for a strong physical presence. Partly covered by an interactive "veil of light", produced by the associate artists Electronic Shadow.

Authors :B. Bergdoll, M-A.Brayer, A. Lemonier, N. Labedade, C. Parent, C. Saraïva.

Theme(s): Architecture
Language(s): English, French
22,00 €



  • 22,00 €
  • Language(s): English, French
  • Référence:
  • Nombre de pages: 128
  • Couleur(s): quadrichromie
  • Type de reliure: relié
  • Dimensions: 1 × 19 × 25 cm
  • Poids: 700 g
  • Partenaire: Frac Centre, Région Centre, Spie et Philips