Le Livre de Portraiture

HYX loves US literature and translates it! "The Book of Portraiture" ("Le Livre de Portraiture", in its French translation) creates the stage setting for this a saga comprised of writings and images.

A psychoanalyst in the early 20th century discovers his own desire reflected in a patient whom he attempts to cure of her sexual neuroses. An accidental community of 21st-century image-makers links pixels and causes their group portrait to emerge. Throughout this gripping tour de force, human beings seek to become what they are through representation. The novel’s diverse narrators observe objects of desire through the prism of their own times across the centuries, creating portraits through painting, dreams, photographs, electronic data and genetic code.

Steve Tomasula is the author of a hybrid body of work through which he explores the artifacts of the book. From IN & OZ to TOC: A New-Media Novel, from VAS: An Opera in Flatland (University of Chicago Press) - Ligatura in Éditions HYX’s French translation Ligatura - Steve Tomasula explores the limits of contemporary fiction, offering us a corrosive and exhilarating reading of society.

Issued : late May. Le Livre de Portraiture, Steve Tomasula. Translation Anne-Laure Tissut

Collection Graphes, format 14 x 22 cm, 340 pages, two colours

ISBN : 978-2-910385-69-9

Prix : 25 €

Published with the support of :  CNL and Ciclic-Région Centre-Val de Loire

Extrait-preview in french
